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Gary the Gadget Guy

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Full Name Gary the Gadget Guy
Species Penguin
Position Inventor and scientist
Appeared See appearances
Color Old Blue (Art) Blue (Avatar)
Clothing Glasses
Jet Pack (sometimes)
Storm Lantern (sometimes)
Ghoul Detector 3000 (sometimes)
Related To Gariwald VIII (great uncle)
Garugg the Ugg Ugg (ancestor)
Garianna (ancestor)
Friends With Elite Penguin Force agents, Rockhopper, Sensei, Rory, other penguins
Meetable Character? Yes
Inventing is my sole impetus, that means I enjoy inventing things.
— Gary the Gadget Guy

Gary the Gadget Guy (AKA Agent G), is Club Penguin Island's inventor and scientist and also the former owner of the Sport Shop. He is the genius behind most of the inventions around the island. He is an Elite Penguin Force agent and a former Penguin Secret Agency agent. Gary is also known for his extensive family; which has gone much more into detail than any other mascot's. When Gary was young, his great uncle, Gariwald VIII, and fascination in Dinosaurs would eventually inspire him to become an inventor and scientist. There is a Series 5 Limited Edition Penguin based on Gary.


2006 – 2007

Gary after inventing the Pizzatron 3000.

At some point Gary became involved with the Penguin Secret Agency and took ownership over the Sports Shop as a cover for the HQ. In his earliest days with the PSA, Gary assisted an agent who needed help to climb the Tallest Mountain to save Aunt Arctic's puffles. He would later invite that agent to test his Prototype Sled at the Ski Hill.

A while after the Lighthouse's grand opening, Gary invented the Jet Pack and Launch Pad and them for public use at the Beacon for Jet Pack Adventure. In February 2007, Gary invented the Pizzatron 3000 for public use at the Pizza Parlor. Gary would continue to make many other inventions to improve island lifestyle or parties.

In March 2007, a PSA agent gave Gary some mysterious fur found on the Gift Shop's roof when coins from its vault went missing. Gary started analyzing the fur to discover its origin. An avalanche soon struck in August 2007, trapping four penguins and interrupting Gary's analysis on the fur. Gary assigned an agent to rescue them and the agent succeed. At the Ski Hill more of the same fur was discovered alongside strange tracks in the snow. In November, Gary invented the Furensic Analyzer 3000 to identify the origin of the fur once and for all. Unfortunately, the sample used was contaminated with hot sauce, chocolate milk and jet pack fuel. Gary tasked the agent to find the substances found in the fur to attempt to track the mysterious creature. The agent soon cornered the creature at the Outback Pond and attempted to capture it, however ended up catching his accomplice instead. When another fur sample left behind was scanned by the Furensic Analyzer 3000, the creature was confirmed to be a polar bear.


Gary sharing his ideas for the Save the Migrator Project.

On January 14, 2008, the Migrator struck an iceberg on the way back to Rockhopper Island. In the following weeks, Gary organized a campaign called the Save the Migrator Project and invented the Aqua Grabber to salvage parts of the Migrator. Meanwhile, Gary had invented the Crab Translator 3000 for translating the polar bear's mysterious crab companion. Unfortunately, it had backfired and the crab escaped into the wilderness. When the agent followed the crab, he led the agent to the base of the strange polar bear living on Club Penguin, Herbert P. Bear. Once the agent escaped from Herbert's cage, he alerted Gary to Herbert's presence. Gary decided to put the PSA investigation on hold until the Migrator was reconstructed since it seemed like a higher priority. By April 2008, the Migrator was fully reconstructed and a celebration was planned. Gary invented the Flare Finger 3000 to catch Rockhopper's attention from his island for his return.[1][2][3]

Almost immediately after the Migrator was salvaged, the Clock Tower had unexpectedly broken down.[4] The agent who had previously assisted Gary on multiple missions took the job of finding and replacing the broken parts of the clock and repaired it.[5] Later in June 2008, Gary started reading unusual tremors on his Seismograph and sent an agent to investigate it. The agent discovered that it was Herbert responsible the tremors and for breaking the Clock Tower earlier. By October 2008, a plan had been organized to track down and spy on Herbert's whereabouts in The Wilderness using a Spy Phone he stole from the agent's encounter with him. Unfortunately Herbert almost immediately found the hidden camera used to spy on him and took it down.

Gary later attended the Halloween Party of 2008 later that month, primarily to perform experiments with the Monster Maker 3000.[6]

Sometime in 2008, Gary lost control over the Test Robots he created and they escaped from the Gadget Room. He built a tracker for the Test Bots to track them which led him to the Mine. He searched the tunnels of the Mine using Cart Surfer, but he crashed and was trapped under his mine cart. When an Elite Penguin Force agent had found him, Gary was unable to recall what happened. A few days later, Gary was able to remember that he was looking for the Test Bots, who were currently causing havoc over the island. He designed the Robotomy Gadget for the Spy Gadget belonging to the agent who found him earlier. The agent was able to deactivate all of the Test Bots successfully, but not before they were able to build the Ultimate Proto-Bot 10,000 out of Gary's old blueprints. The Proto-Bot kidnapped Gary and all of the Elite Puffles during a celebration of victory. For one last mission, the agent was able to rescue everyone and deactivate Proto-Bot.[7]

Late December 2008, the Director and Gary had organized a plan to trick Herbert with a fake Gold Puffle at the Night Club. The plan was successful until Herbert escaped using Rookie's Spy Phone. Herbert left behind a pack of seeds that Gary went on to investigate on.


Gary in his room working on plans for the Festival of Flight.

In January 2009, Gary stored up the snow used as decorations for the Christmas Party 2008 and put it in the Ski Lodge attic for future use.[8] The snow was later used to make sculptures for the Snow Sculpture Showcase.

Gary attended the Penguin Play Awards 2009 in February to check on the Switchbox 3000. The Penguins that Time Forgot inspired Gary to create warps using boxes to transport penguins to another place. By April, Gary perfected the Box Portal and put it for sale at the Box Store.[9][10]

Gary realized towards the end of July that the windows at the Pool needed to be replaced. He organized the Festival of Flight to lift up the island and safely replace the Pool's windows.

September 2009, the sky mysteriously turned orange so Gary investigated it. At first it was a mystery although it was eventually proven to be from the Volcano's awakening. By October 2009, Gary noted that volcano's awakening had impacted the weather around the island, and a storm was approaching in time for Halloween. Following his tradition, Gary attended 2009's Halloween Party.


In April 2010, penguins brought to Gary's attention to build an recycling center near the Mine Shack. Gary appreciated the idea and went to brainstorm ideas for it.[11] By Earth Day 2010, the Recycling Plant was up and ready for action.

After items from the Gift Shop went missing in May 2010, Gary assigned a team of agents to look into it. After one of them returned, Herbert managed to break into the PSA's systems and was attempting to take over. With access to all the PSA files, Herbert planned to broadcast it publicly to the island on all frequencies. As a last ditch-effort to secure the agency's future Gary turned all PSA systems offline. An agent working on the mission located Herbert in the wilderness north of the Mine Shack but messed up and was sent to the HQ by Herbert with the Popcorn Time Bomb. While everyone in the HQ was able to evacuate safely, the Sports Shop and HQ were both lost to the Popcorn Time Bomb's explosion.

After the Everyday Phoning Facility and EPF Command Room were reconstructed, Gary started assigning Field-Ops for EPF agents.

As Halloween approached in October 2010, Gary calculated that another storm would hit the island that would different from 2009's and would last longer than expected. Gary proved right when the storm didn't pass after the Halloween Party 2010 ended. He was unable to continue research on it due to other work he had.


Gary announcing The Great Snow Race.

In Janurary 2011, Gary activated the System Defender at the EPF Command Room to defend the EPF mainframe from computer bugs.

Prior to the Medieval Party 2011, Gary assisted costume designers with making armor and dresses for the party. Gary was unable to attend the Medieval Party because he was working on the Hydra for Ye Knight's Quest 3. After the Medieval Party ended, Herbert stole the Hydra and used it to attack the Everday Phoning Facility, an event known as the Battle of Doom. Fortunately Herbert was defeated after the Hydra "broke down after being blown up only a few thousand times".

When Herbert attacked the System Defender for the second time in August, the Elite Penguin Force agents were able to stall him for long enough to track his location, which was revealed to be Toughest Mountain. As a result, Gary and the EPF blasted the area with cold air to lower the temperature in an attempt to make Herbert hibernate. Gary announced The Great Snow Race as a cover up for what was really happening around the Toughest Mountain during that time, Operation: Hibernation. When the operation began, he sent agents to go past Herbert's security and apprehend him while he sleeps. The operation was a success and Herbert was in EPF custody for the second time.

After detecting an unusual amount of spookiness, Gary declared he would need assistance during the Halloween Party 2011 to capture ghosts. When the party started, Gary set up a Ghost Catcher HQ at the Cove and assigned a Candy Ghost Scavenger Hunt for anyone willing to participate.


Gary and Gariwald VII on Gary's Giveaway.

At the beginning of the year when the island suffered an inclination due to Rookie ordering so many anvils for the Underwater Expedition, Herbert had vanished from his prison without a trace, stirring up concern in the Elite Penguin Force and Gary.

In February, Rockhopper returned to the island and requested Gary to upgrade the Migrator for a trip to Shipwreck Island. Rockhopper got formed a crew of willing penguins and sailed to Shipwreck Island, a party called Rockhopper's Quest. After Rockhopper set a beacon at Shipwreck Island to prevent crashing into it and returned to Club Penguin, Gary took off the Migrator's upgrades.

Much like the year prior, Gary assisted costume designers with making medieval costumes as realistic as possible for the Medieval Party 2012. When the party started, Gary titled himself as "Wizard Gary" and announced Scorn's weakness out in the Club Penguin Times. Scorn was soon defeated by heroes. Rookie noted that Gary behaved oddly throughout the month, although Gary seemed to return to normal after the party ended.

During the Medieval Party, a meteor was spotted by a wizard through a telescope at the Lighthouse. Gary warned that the meteor would hit the island near the Dock. The meteor hit on June 7, radiating strange energy levels that restored the Proto-Bot's power. After Destructobot was defeated and the meteor was powered down, Proto-Bot seemed to have disappeared without a trace despite the EPF and Gary's attempts to relocate it.

In October, Gary started going through old Halloween artifacts he had collected. He came upon an image of Gariwald VII, his great uncle who had disappeared with his mansion on a Halloween night. Gary decided he wanted to get to the bottom of the mystery when the Halloween Party 2012 began, so he announced a search for any evidence for his lost relative in the Club Penguin Times. The mansion appeared when the party began, and Gary discovered that his great uncle was studying ghosts as a ghost for years. When the party ended, Gariwald and his mansion vanished once again.

On November 8, Gary was kidnapped from his lab by Herbert and froze him inside a Containment Cell at his headquarters to get back at him for what happened in August 2011. Meanwhile, the island was at panic due to his disappearance and a search for Gary was held once again. Herbert would soon kidnap and freeze Dot, Jet Pack Guy, Rookie and even the Director of the Elite Penguin Force inside their own containment cells. Luckily, they were all rescued by the EPF Resistance during Operation: Blackout.


Gary at work during Operation: Puffle.

On January 4, Gary announced he created the Time Trekker 3000 and he would bring Club Penguin back to the past on January 17. When the time came, Gary left the Time Trekker at the Snow Forts for penguins to go back to prehistoric times. Gary gathered 12 Dinosaur eggs for research data although quickly realized traveling back in the past was damaging the space time-continuum so he closed the Time Trekker 3000 after his research was complete.

The following month in February, Gary attended the Hollywood Party to help with special effects for the movies.

For Operation: Hot Sauce, Gary upgraded the EPF Spy Phone and installed the TraceTracker 3000 onto it for Members to use it to track Herbert to his new base under the Beach. Non-members had to resort to the TraceTracker 100.

When strange crystals sprouted from the ground in April, Gary set up a tent in the Forest to research them. He discovered they radiated some sort of energy and saw it as an opportunity to test out an invention he had for extracting energy from rocks.

In July, Gary and the EPF intercepted a message from the Rebel Alliance, warning about the Imperial Forces and the Death Star's approach. Fortunately the Death Star was eventually destroyed and Darth Herbert was defeated.

In September, Rockhopper gave him Garianna's magic book of potions. Gary got others to make and test potions all throughout the Medieval party. Afterwards he joined the Puffle Handler to research strange gold-colored O'berry seeds found during the party. About a month later in November, the seeds grew into a giant Gold O'berry bush. The gold O'berries were fed to puffles to dig up fifteen golden nuggets to find a Gold Puffle at the Gold Mine.

Almost immediately after the discovery of Gold Puffles, puffles around the island went missing. When an agent brought back a Brain Box to Gary, he said that the technology seemed familiar and he might be able to disable the network used to control the puffles if he got a chip of each puffle color. After a chip from each puffle was gathered, the network was shut down and all the remaining puffles under Herbert's control were freed. Once again, Herbert had vanished in the wilderness.

In December, Gary invented the Collector Cannon 3000 to help transport Herbert's leftover coins from Operation: Puffle to be donated to Coins For Change.


In January, snowball enthusiasts were forming supplies for an upcoming competition when they discovered a message carved in stone. Gary went to investigate the message and discovered it was from his prehistoric ancestor Garugg the Ugg Ugg. Because it was a cry for help, Gary started the up Time Trekker 3000 once again for the Prehistoric Party 2014. Garugg had discovered Dino Puffle eggs and needed help to save them. Many penguins adopted their own pet Dino Puffles for the first time and Gary adopted Darwin, his Blue Triceratops puffle.

Sometime prior to May, Gary used the Time Trekker once again, this time to travel to the year 4014. There he met Gary 3000, learned about the Extra-Planetary Federation and discovered that Proto-Bot is still active. With the members of the Extra-Planetary Federation on a mission at Upzar II, the island was vulnerable to Proto-Bot's attack. When he returned, he started designing a time portal for 2014 penguins to help defend the future island. Gary was unable to go to the Future Party since he was maintaining the portal open. Proto-Bot was defeated with the help of 2014's penguins and retreated once again.

After the Music Jam 2014, Gary had a public testing of his latest invention, the Racer 3000, at the Stadium called the Turbo Race 3000. After the testing concluded, Gary reviewed the results.[12]

In October, Gary confirmed that his great uncle, Gariwald VII, would be returning for the Halloween Party 2014 to examine paranormal readings originating from the Puffle Hotel. The readings would continue to rise until the entire Puffle Hotel was transformed and Gariwald went missing once again. It was later discovered that Gary and the Ghost Puffles were captured by Skip to supercharge his ghost powers. Skip was defeated when his machine to extract the energy from them was destroyed by snowballs.


In March, Gary and Rookie hosted Pi Day at the Mine Shack.

Later in July, Rockhopper had washed up on the shore of the island with a disoriented mindset due to the effects of cursed Stinky Cheese he found earlier on his travels. To help fix Rockhopper's mind, Gary invented the Minderizer 3000 at the Dock so penguins could venture Rockhopper's mind during the Inside Out Party to help find his scattered core memories. After Rockhopper's mind was restored he left back to Rockhopper Island to reunite with Yarr.

Before Club Penguin's 10th Anniversary Party, Gary went back in time using the Time Trekker to help recreate the Salon and brought back Black T-rex and Pink Stegosaurus Dino Puffles as bonus gifts. Gary also put his MascBots to use during the 10th Anniversary Party to describe what each Mascot liked about their favorite party. The week before the party ended, the MascBots began to act strangely and were messing up their recorded lines. It was revealed soon enough during the Halloween Party 2015 that all the MascBots were infected by Herbert and that he had even made his own HerBot. Herbert was defeated shortly after, although he managed to escape once again.


After Herbert stole the UFO's power source during Operation: Crustacean in 2015, Gary began to look for a replacement power source for the Alien Puffles to return home. He eventually discovered that the only power source that was capable of powering the UFO existed millions of years ago. After preparing the Time Trekker 3000 for another journey, Gary and his volunteers managed to collect enough power fragments to power up the UFO to take off once again.


Gary is an Old Blue-colored penguin in artwork or Blue-colored penguin on his in-game avatar. He wears twisted spectacles and a white lab coat over a Tiffany blue collared shirt with a light brown tie, usually tucked in. He likes wearing a white lab coat and his special twisted spectacles. In some designs, Gary's white lab coat has two pockets or is slightly damaged around.

When Gary was younger, he had a hairstyle similar to The Disco, braces and lacked a white lab coat.

Ask Gary

Gary was the first substitute for Aunt Arctic in the Club Penguin Times advice column. Although the first time was a joke for April Fools', he would return to the advice column occasionally for different parties or events that were related to him.


List of Gary's appearances
  • Issue #102
  • Issue #121
  • Issue #123 (mentioned)
  • Issue #128
  • Issue #129
  • Issue #130
  • Issue #131
  • Issue #159
  • Issue #160
  • Issue #170
  • Issue #175
  • Issue #176
  • Issue #177 (mentioned)
  • Issue #179
  • Issue #180
  • Issue #189
  • Issue #190
  • Issue #191
  • Issue #192
  • Issue #198
  • Issue #199
  • Issue #200
  • Issue #201
  • Issue #204 (mentioned)
  • Issue #205
  • Issue #209
  • Issue #210
  • Issue #211
  • Issue #214 (fan art)
  • Issue #225
  • Issue #234
  • Issue #235 (mentioned)
  • Issue #236 (mentioned)
  • Issue #237 (fan art)
  • Issue #240 (mentioned)
  • Issue #246
  • Issue #248
  • Issue #250 (mentioned)
  • Issue #260 (mentioned)
  • Issue #261
  • Issue #263 (mentioned)
  • Issue #173 (mentioned)
  • Issue #175
  • Issue #284 (mentioned)
  • Issue #286 (mentioned)
  • Issue #289
  • Issue #290 (mentioned)
  • Issue #291 (mentioned)
  • Issue #292 (mentioned)
  • Issue #302
  • Issue #304
  • Issue #307
  • Issue #312
  • Issue #313
  • Issue #315
  • Issue #325 (mentioned)
  • Issue #327 (mentioned)
  • Issue #330
  • Issue #331 (mentioned)
  • Issue #333
  • Issue #340
  • Issue #341
  • Issue #342
  • Issue #343
  • Issue #344
  • Issue #345 (mentioned)
  • Issue #346 (mentioned)
  • Issue #357 (mentioned)
  • Issue #360 (mentioned)
  • Issue #362
  • Issue #363
  • Issue #364
  • Issue #365
  • Issue #366
  • Issue #367
  • Issue #368
  • Issue #375
  • Issue #376
  • Issue #377
  • Issue #378
  • Issue #379
  • Issue #380
  • Issue #390
  • Issue #391
  • Issue #401 (mentioned)
  • Issue #403
  • Issue #404
  • Issue #411
  • Issue #412
  • Issue #413
  • Issue #414
  • Issue #415 (mentioned)
  • Issue #416 (mentioned)
  • Issue #418 (mentioned)
  • Issue #419 (mentioned)
  • Issue #422
  • Issue #423
  • Issue #424
  • Issue #425 (quoted)
  • Issue #426
  • Issue #427 (quoted)
  • Issue #429
  • Issue #430
  • Issue #431 (writer)
  • Issue #432
  • Issue #433
  • Issue #440 (mentioned)
  • Issue #446
  • Issue #447
  • Issue #450 (writer)
  • Issue #458 (writer)
  • Issue #459
  • Issue #463
  • Issue #464 (writer)
  • Issue #465 (writer)
  • Issue #466
  • Issue #467 (mentioned)
  • Issue #469 (writer)
  • Issue #470
  • Issue #471
  • Issue #472
  • Issue #473 (mentioned)
  • Issue #477 (writer)
  • Issue #478 (writer)
  • Issue #480
  • Issue #481 (writer)
  • Issue #482
  • Issue #490
  • Issue #494
  • Issue #496 (fan art)
  • Issue #497 (quoted)
  • Issue #501 (comic)
  • Issue #505 (mentioned, writer)
  • Issue #507 (writer)
  • Issue #508
  • Issue #509
  • Issue #510
  • Issue #512 (mentioned)
  • Issue #516
  • Issue #528 (mentioned)
  • Issue #529 (fan art)
  • Issue #532
  • Issue #534
  • Issue #535
  • Issue #536
  • Issue #537 (writer)
  • Issue #538 (mentioned)
  • Issue #541 (writer)
  • Issue #546
  • Issue #550
  • Issue #551


Pi Day
  • Salutations!
  • Greetings!
  • Greetings scientists!
  • How are you?
  • Aha, I'm glad you could join me
  • Good day to you
  • Hello, I'm Gary the Gadget Guy
  • You can call me Gary
  • I am quite well
  • I am exceptionally mirthful
  • I have achieved quantum splendiferousness
  • That means I am very happy
  • Exceptional!
  • I am significantly exhilarated!
  • I'm very pleased to be here
  • Welcome, fellow scientists!
Pi Day
  • Happy Pi Day!
  • or Happy Pie Day!
  • if you prefer
  • What a splendid occasion!
  • It's a math holiday!
  • Who doesn't love MATH?
  • Oh...
  • I suppose there are better subjects
  • Would anyone like some pie?
  • Excellent!
  • I can't do science on an empty stomach!
  • Let us make a recipe
  • What should go in the pie?
  • I have some ingredients from my lab...
    • Hyperberries?
    • Space grapes?
    • Chocolate bananas?
    • Jelly Melons?
    • Apple 3000s?
  • Excellent recipe
  • This will be quite experimental!
  • I have a device that cooks pies instantly
  • But we must be careful
  • What setting should we put it on?
  • Low, medium, or high?
    • Low it is
    • Medium, right
    • Full power!
  • Gadzooks!
  • The pie is...
    • frozen!
    • gone!
    • delicious!
    • burnt to ashes!
    • perfect!
    • all over the place!
  • Let's use pi...
  • to find out how large the island is
  • First we need the width of the island!
  • How long does it take...
  • to run from the Cove to the Beach?
  • With that information...
  • I can calculate the size
  • Hmm....
  • calculates
  • This is strange...
  • It's MUCH bigger than I thought
  • There must be more...
  • than what we see on the Map
Pi Jokes
  • I have some jokes
  • I don't usually tell jokes...
  • Hmmm how does it go?
  • Eureka! I have it
  • Shall I tell some jokes?
  • What happens if you eat too much pi?
  • You increase your diameter!
  • Why doesn't anyone like pi speeches?
  • They go on forever!
  • Does Rockhopper like this holiday?
  • Yep, he's a PI-rate!
  • What do you call a full moon?
  • Pi in the sky!
  • Was that humorous?
  • Oh good
  • Eeee
  • Perhaps these need further tweaking
  • Greetings Rookie
  • Over here Rookie!
  • I think Pi Day is a hit
  • How do you like Pi Day?
  • What kind of pie have you had?
  • Rookie...
  • That sounds unhealthy
  • Is that even edible?
  • Well that might be good!
  • Oof!
  • Did you throw that pie?
  • Just you wait...
  • I have a pie throwing robot...
  • that I'd love to test out!
  • Hahaha
  • You're always entertaining
  • even when you destroy my lab!
  • SECRET agents you say?
  • Is that classified information?
  • Agents?
  • I know little about a secret penguin league
  • Ah yes, I know Herbert Percival Bear well
  • He is a grumpy menace
  • I can bearly stand him
  • Bearly! Get it!?
  • In all seriousness, Herbert is a concern
  • We shall need to track him down.
  • The EPF is doing everything in their power
  • Did you know he got a present?
  • At the holidays, he got earmuffs...
  • so that he could enjoy the quiet
  • but I don't it'll last
  • I'm afraid that's classified
  • Let's just say I assist the EPF technologically
  • I'm sorry I can't talk about that right now
  • Alright everyone
  • Let's do science!
  • It's time for an experiment
  • I need volunteers!
  • Who would like to help?
  • Have you attempted this experiment before?
  • It didn't work. Let's try again
  • Remember, safety first!
  • Inventing is my sole impetus
  • That means I enjoy inventing things
  • Do you have any ideas?
  • I will draw up some blueprints
  • Can you pass me a new beaker?
  • Can you help me mix this?
  • What do you think?
  • Should we add...
    • coffee?
    • hot sauce?
    • cake?
    • popcorn?
    • stinky cheese?
    • gears?
    • lava?
    • water?
    • clocks?
  • Oh dear, that isn't right
  • Quick scientists! Hide!
  • Success!
  • This will be energetic...
  • that means it will explode!
  • Our experiment has malfunctioned
  • Aha! This is much improved
  • Lightbulb emotes for science!
  • This requires more testing...
  • Take notes
  • writes notes
  • ponders
  • An ingenious idea! Good work
  • Good luck with all your inventions
Q & A
  • Certainly!
  • I would be honored to be your friend
  • I accept all friend requests
  • Please send me a friend request
  • Scientists ensure you collect my background
  • Have you collected my background?
  • Just open my player card
  • Indubitably!
  • May I have a glass of H20?
  • Water is an efficient thirst quenching liquid
  • My favorite animal?
  • I'm something of an entomologist
  • Which means I like insects
  • Bugs of all kinds
  • What is your favorite animal?
  • My favorite game?
  • I enjoy a rousing game of chess
  • I do enjoy piloting the Aqua Grabber
  • I love a good game of Find Four
  • What is your favorite game?
  • My favorite sport is.. ping pong, I think
  • My favorite music?
  • I enjoy classical music
  • Though some of DJ Cadence's music is very catchy
  • My hobbies?
  • I like to collect things
  • Insects
  • Pins
  • Comics
  • Stamps
  • All sorts of things
  • You all look very sharp
  • I'm glad to see appropriate scientist attire
  • Anything is possible
  • With some tools
  • And some coffee
  • And some blueprints
  • And some glue
  • And my triceratops puffle
  • You show impressive fortitude!
  • That means you're very determined!
  • Excellent knowledge!
  • Great work, my inventive friend
  • Alright let's go!
  • Follow me everyone
  • Stay close at hand
  • Accompany me
  • Let us expedite our progress!
  • Come this way!
  • Step lively everyone
  • Let us continue
  • This way
  • Over here
  • Hmm...
  • What's this?
  • Which way is it?
  • Which way do we go?
  • Does anyone know the way?
  • Darwin is my pet puffle!
  • He's a blue triceratops puffle
  • I hatched him from an egg
  • He's very clever...
  • and an attentive pet
  • Which is important...
  • He's my lab assistant!
  • Well he chews wires
  • and pushs over beakers
  • Puffles are an unexplored subject for me
  • I need to more research
  • What do puffles like to eat?
  • What do puffles like to drink?
  • Where do you walk your puffle?
  • I must excuse myself now. Take care!
  • I will most certainly be back soon
  • The time of my departure is nigh
  • Farewell penguins
  • Goodbye, scientists
  • Keep researching while I'm gone
  • I'm sure we will encounter each other again
  • I must be taking my leave now
  • There is a situation which needs my attention
June 2015 EPF Training
  • Salutations!
  • Greetings
  • How are you?
  • Aha, I'm glad you could join me
  • Good day to you
  • Hello, I'm Gary the Gadget Guy
  • You can call me Gary
  • I'm Agent G
  • I am ready to assist
  • I am quite well
  • I am exceptionally mirthful
  • Exceptional!
  • I am significantly exhilarated!
  • I'm very pleased to be here
  • SECRET agents you say?
  • Is that classified information?
  • Agents?
  • I know little
  • Ah yes, I know Herbert Percival Bear well
  • He is a grumpy menace
  • I can bearly stand him
  • Bearly! Get it!?
  • In all seriousness, Herbert is a concern
  • I'm afraid that's classified
  • Let's just say I assist the EPF technologically
  • I'm sorry I can't talk about that right now
  • Now we can discuss the EPF
  • The Elite Penguin Force
  • You heard the Director's message
  • We must be at our best
  • Test your agent skills...
  • on the training missions
  • Every mission we do...
  • increases our chances of success...
  • when faced with a real operation
  • Some mission are available
  • More will be unlocked next week
  • They can be quite difficult
  • They require clever solutions
  • I used to run a sports shop
  • But it was only a cover
  • I find it surprising that it worked
  • I prefer ping-pong over football
  • Herbert's inventions were powerful
  • But not well tested
  • That's why I test my inventions
  • Until I hit version 3000
  • And sometimes they still explode!
  • Alright everyone
  • Time for a new spy gadget!
  • Who would like to help?
  • Are you a tech agent?
  • That's fine
  • Oh excellent
  • Inventing is my sole impetus
  • That means I enjoy inventing things
  • What should this gadget do?
  • Should it...
    • make coffee?
    • find fish?
    • track Herbert?
    • dig for treasure?
    • magnify?
    • shrink?
    • enlarge?
    • tell time?
    • break the ice?
    • fly?
  • That's a marvelous idea!
  • What a unique idea!
  • I'd like to try that!
  • Just a moment...
  • tinkers
  • assembles
  • breaks a little
  • puts it all together
  • Stupendous!
  • Aha!
  • Oh my!
  • We've created a...
    • coffee-making...
    • fish-finding...
    • Herbert-tracking...
    • treasure-hunting...
    • magnifying...
    • shrinking...
    • enlarging...
    • time-telling...
    • ice-breaking...
    • flying...
  • machine 3000!
  • I'm sure it will be very helpful
  • to our agents in the field
Q & A
  • Certainly!
  • I would be honored to be your friend
  • I accept all friend requests
  • Please send me a friend request
  • Scientists ensure you collect my background
  • Have you collected my background?
  • Just open my player card
  • Indubitably!
  • May I have a glass of H20?
  • Water is an efficient thirst quenching liquid
  • My favorite animal?
  • I'm something of an entomologist
  • Which means I like insects
  • Bugs of all kinds
  • What is your favorite animal?
  • My favorite game?
  • I enjoy a rousing game of chess
  • I do enjoy piloting the Aqua Grabber
  • I love a good game of Find Four
  • What is your favorite game?
  • My favorite sport is.. ping pong, I think
  • My favorite music?
  • I enjoy classical music
  • Though some of DJ Cadence's music is very catchy
  • My hobbies?
  • I like to collect things
  • Insects
  • Pins
  • Comics
  • Stamps
  • All sorts of things
  • You all look very sharp
  • I'm glad to see appropriate scientist attire
  • Anything is possible
  • With some tools
  • And some coffee
  • And some blueprints
  • And some glue
  • And my triceratops puffle
  • You show impressive fortitude!
  • That means you're very determined!
  • Excellent knowledge!
  • Great work, my inventive friend
  • Alright let's go!
  • Follow me everyone
  • Stay close at hand
  • Accompany me
  • Let us expedite our progress!
  • Come this way!
  • Step lively everyone
  • Let us continue
  • This way
  • Over here
  • Hmm...
  • What's this?
  • Which way is it?
  • Which way do we go?
  • Does anyone know the way?
  • To the Phoning Facility!
  • To the Ski Village!
  • Darwin is my pet puffle!
  • He's a blue triceratops puffle
  • I hatched him from an egg
  • He's very clever...
  • and an attentive pet
  • Which is important...
  • He's my lab assistant!
  • Well he chews wires
  • and pushs over beakers
  • Puffles are an unexplored subject for me
  • I need to more research
  • What do puffles like to eat?
  • What do puffles like to drink?
  • Where do you walk your puffle?
  • I must excuse myself now. Take care!
  • I will most certainly be back soon
  • The time of my departure is nigh
  • Farewell penguins
  • Goodbye, scientists
  • Keep researching while I'm gone
  • I'm sure we will encounter each other again
  • I must be taking my leave now
  • There is a situation which needs my attention
  • Best of luck with the missions!
Inside Out Party
  • Salutations!
  • Greetings!
  • Greetings scientists!
  • How are you?
  • Aha, I'm glad you could join me
  • Good day to you
  • Hello, I'm Gary the Gadget Guy
  • You can call me Gary
  • I am quite well
  • I am exceptionally mirthful
  • I have achieved quantum splendiferousness
  • That means I am very happy
  • Exceptional!
  • I am significantly exhilarated!
  • I'm very pleased to be here
  • Welcome, fellow scientists!
  • Greetings Rockhopper
  • How is your cranium feeling?
  • You seem... discombobulated
  • Rockhopper requires our assistance!
  • Tell us a jaunty pirate tale
  • Tell us a hearty pirate joke
  • Are you at a loss for words?
  • This is a first.
  • Perhaps you should rest
  • Rockhopper is resting up
  • He's feeling rather... discombobulated
  • It's difficult to understand what's happened to Rockhopper
  • My scientific opinion is that...
  • He's completely lost his mind
  • We'll help Rockhopper, right?
  • Yeah, with science!
  • Behold! The Minderizer 3000!
  • We'll use the Minderizer 3000 to help Rockhopper!
  • Making the Minderizer 3000 was simple
  • All you need is a...
  • Dimensional phase adjuster...
  • Neuralizing capacitor...
  • Alternating proton beam...
  • And an ion displacement shield
  • But I made this one out of a microwave
  • Could I have some of you operate the device?
  • Enable the power couplings, please
  • Now engage the neural actualizer
  • Very good!
  • What do these buttons do?
  • I can't quite remember
  • Oh well, I'm sure it's not important
  • Who wants to step in?
  • You would? Excellent!
  • It's completely safe!
  • Except that time it disintegrated Rookie's tuna sandwich
  • He wouldn't speak to me for days after
  • We've made it! We're inside Rockhopper's mind!
  • You know what that means, right?
  • The Minderizer 3000 works perfectly!
  • Certainly much better than the Minderizer 2999
  • This is Rockhopper's headquarters
  • Get it? HEADquarters!
  • It's cleaner in here than I expected
  • His feelings are over there. Fascinating!
  • It's completely safe to throw snowballs in here
  • Though it might give Rockhopper a slight tickle
  • Go on, try it
  • Oh! I believe that made him sneeze!
  • Shall we go exploring?
  • I'm glad I have so many friends with me
  • You're excellent assistants!
Rockhopper's Mind
  • This must be his imagination
  • What could these palm trees be made out of?
  • Hmm, let's take a closer look
  • Gadzooks, you're right!
  • They're pure gold!
  • Yikes, be cautious around those tentacles!
  • Set your spectacles on that pirate ship!
  • I'm sure it's quite easy to steer
  • It's simple physics, after all
  • I just have to turn the wheel at this angle and...
  • YIKES!
  • Brace for impact!
  • Phew... It seems I'm a better scientist than pirate
  • This cheese is absolutely... pungent
  • And by that I mean stinky
  • What could this pink liquid be?
  • Hmmm... Could I have some volunteers?
  • Gather some liquid into a beaker
  • That's it, very good!
  • Now we just have to test the acidity...
  • the viscosity...
  • the consistency...
  • and the taste!
  • Eureka! It's cream soda!
  • You knew that already, didn't you?
  • Fantastic work, scientists!
  • This must be where Rockhopper's dreams are made!
  • I wonder if Rockhopper ever dreams of science
  • I often dream of Pythagoras’s theorem...
  • The theory of relativity...
  • The Callan-Symanzik equation...
  • and of a marshmallow that tries to eat me!
  • Great Scott! Have you ever seen so much treasure?
  • I estimate that the number of gold coins in here is...
  • A LOT!
  • It's time for an experiment
  • We'll determine what treasure is buried below this X
  • I'll need some volunteers
  • Simply stomp your feet on the ground
  • Very good!
  • Now listen for the echo
  • Yes, I think I can hear it
  • Now judging by the percussion of the sound waves...
  • I can confidently say that buried below us...
  • is even MORE gold coins!
  • Watch your footing
  • There isn't much illumination in here
  • This appears to be where Rockhopper keeps his fears
  • Yikes! What a frightening Selachimorpha!
  • That means shark
  • And over there... is that a flamingo?
  • What a strange thing to fear
  • Why, it's not scary at all
  • With its slick pink feathers
  • And deep black eyes...
  • That don't seem to look away
  • Ack, I can't take it anymore!
  • That is one positively perturbing flamingo!
  • Shivers
  • Perhaps we should leave this place
  • SECRET agents you say?
  • Is that classified information?
  • Agents?
  • I know little about a secret penguin league
  • Ah yes, I know Herbert Percival Bear well
  • He is a grumpy menace
  • I can bearly stand him
  • Bearly! Get it!?
  • In all seriousness, Herbert is a concern
  • We shall need to track him down
  • The EPF is doing everything in their power
  • I'm afraid that's classified
  • Let's just say I assist the EPF technologically
  • I'm sorry I can't talk about that right now
  • Alright everyone
  • Let's do science!
  • It's time for an experiment
  • I need volunteers!
  • Who would like to help?
  • Have you attempted this experiment before?
  • It didn't work. Let's try again
  • Remember, safety first!
  • Inventing is my sole impetus
  • That means I enjoy inventing things
  • Do you have any ideas?
  • I will draw up some blueprints
  • Shall we perform a simple exercise in physics?
  • First, take some snow
  • Now bunch it into your hand...
  • Until it's a perfect sphere
  • By that, I mean...
  • Make a snowball!
  • Now arch your arm back at a comfortable angle
  • Estimate the weight of the snowball
  • Approximate the necessary velocity
  • And...
  • FIRE!!!
  • Did you see that?
  • It went right where I intended
  • Science has done it again!
  • Can you pass me a new beaker?
  • Can you help me mix this?
  • What do you think?
  • Should we add...
    • coffee?
    • hot sauce?
    • cake?
    • popcorn?
    • stinky cheese?
    • gears?
    • lava?
    • water?
    • clocks?
  • Oh dear, that isn't right
  • Quick scientists! Hide!
  • Success!
  • This will be energetic...
  • that means it will explode!
  • Our experiment has malfunctioned
  • Aha! This is much improved
  • Lightbulb emotes for science!
  • This requires more testing...
  • Take notes
  • writes notes
  • ponders
  • An ingenious idea! Good work
  • Good luck with all your inventions
  • Shall I present a monologue on my past experiences?
  • By that I mean...
  • Should I tell a story?
  • I once invented an incredible device!
  • It was meant to take any kind of sandwich...
  • And shrink it to the size of a pea!
  • With this device you'd be able to do amazing things...
  • Like fitting a hundred sandwiches into your pocket!
  • But it didn't work as I intended
  • My calculations must have been off
  • Because my bologna sandwich didn't shrink
  • In fact, it GREW to the size of a whale!
  • This caused a bit of a dilemma
  • The sandwich was too large for my lab!
  • I was stuck between bread and bologna!
  • I couldn't move!
  • I didn't think I'd ever escape
  • By a stroke of luck, Rookie stopped by to visit
  • When he saw the sandwich he was so excited
  • He ate the entire thing!
  • I didn't even think it was scientifically possible!
  • I thanked him for saving me.
  • But he didn't even know what he did.
  • He was just hungry!
  • Hahaha. What a whimsical fellow!
Q & A
  • Certainly!
  • I would be honored to be your friend
  • I accept all friend requests
  • Please send me a friend request
  • Scientists ensure you collect my background
  • Have you collected my background?
  • Just open my player card
  • Indubitably!
  • May I have a glass of H20?
  • Water is an efficient thirst quenching liquid
  • My favorite animal?
  • I'm something of an entomologist
  • Which means I like insects
  • Bugs of all kinds
  • What is your favorite animal?
  • My favorite game?
  • I enjoy a rousing game of chess
  • I do enjoy piloting the Aqua Grabber
  • I love a good game of Find Four
  • What is your favorite game?
  • My favorite sport is.. ping pong, I think
  • My favorite music?
  • I enjoy classical music
  • Though some of DJ Cadence's music is very catchy
  • My hobbies?
  • I like to collect things
  • Insects
  • Pins
  • Comics
  • Stamps
  • All sorts of things
  • You'll save Rockhopper. I know it!
  • You all look very sharp
  • I'm glad to see appropriate scientist attire
  • Anything is possible
  • With some tools
  • And some coffee
  • And some blueprints
  • And some glue
  • And my triceratops puffle
  • You show impressive fortitude!
  • That means you're very determined!
  • Excellent knowledge!
  • Great work, my inventive friend
  • This way! Into Rockhopper's mind!
  • Alright let's go!
  • Follow me everyone
  • Stay close at hand
  • Accompany me
  • Let us expedite our progress!
  • Come this way!
  • Step lively everyone
  • Let us continue
  • This way
  • Over here
  • Let's make haste
  • What's this?
  • Which way is it?
  • Which way do we go?
  • Does anyone know the way?
  • Darwin is my pet puffle!
  • He's a blue triceratops puffle
  • I hatched him from an egg
  • He's very clever...
  • and an attentive pet
  • Which is important...
  • He's my lab assistant!
  • Well he chews wires
  • and pushs over beakers
  • Puffles are an unexplored subject for me
  • I need to more research
  • What do puffles like to eat?
  • What do puffles like to drink?
  • Where do you walk your puffle?
  • I must excuse myself now. Take care!
  • I will most certainly be back soon
  • The time of my departure is nigh
  • Farewell penguins
  • Goodbye, scientists
  • Keep researching while I'm gone
  • I'm sure we will encounter each other again
  • I must be taking my leave now
  • There is a situation which needs my attention


Gary's many relatives.

Unlike other characters, Gary's many relatives have made cameos and appearances throughout the years. Usually his relatives serve as a plot point or side character for a party or event related to Gary. The first of Gary's many relatives to make an appearance online was his great uncle, Gariwald VIII during the Halloween Party 2012. According to Gary, Gariwald vanished one Halloween night while researching ghosts. Garugg the Ugg Ugg was mentioned during the Prehistoric Party 2013, although wouldn't make an appearance until the following year. For his prehistoric time, Garugg is a brilliant inventor. To follow up on this trend would be Garianna, Gary's great great aunt during the Medieval Party 2013. Garianna is a witch from the medieval era of Club Penguin. Garianna is currently the only known female member of Gary's family. During the Future Party, Gary 3000 made his first appearance. Gary 3000 is described as Gary "in the future but different". He is an inventor from the year of 4014 and he created the robos, special machines used by the Extra-Planetary Federation to destroy the meteors and other threats from the Club Penguin island. There are many other relatives of Gary who have appeared in the comics of the Club Penguin Magazine that are yet to make an online appearance.

Gary's Inventions

See main article: List of Gary's Inventions

Gary has been making inventions since the first day of Club Penguin. Some of his inventions are around the island for use by normal penguins, but most were put in the Gadget Room, like the Test Chamber and the Crab Translator 3000. Gary ends most of his inventions with a number like 1000, 2000 or 3000 (mainly 3000). 1000 is the prototype and 3000 is the complete version. It is probable that his projects receive copious funding from the PSA, since Gary would be unable to afford all required components without some source of financial support. Many of Gary's inventions have been proven as failures, such as the Ski Lift 1000, therefore suggesting that his inventing skill is not as good as he lets on.




  • As revealed in PSA Secret Missions
    • Gary had at least six lab coats. One that he wears, another in the Gadget Room, three on a coat hanger in his room and one on the ground next to the coat hanger.
    • Gary had at least the first 32 pins in his collection and appeared to be wearing the Soccer Ball pin during Avalanche Rescue.
  • Gary judged the Halloween igloo decorating contest 2010, 2011 and 2012 with Aunt Arctic.
  • Gary's favourite food is fish dish pizza[13].
  • He's shown to have an extremely high degree of myopia (shortsightedness), as his left eyeglass has -11.5 degrees and the right one has -13.5.
  • One of his first toys was a stuffed Tyrannosaurus Rex, he nicknamed "Lord Chompington".

Names in other languages

Language Name
Portuguese Gary
French Gary
Spanish Gary
German Gary
Russian Гарри

Sources and References

  1. Club Penguin Times Issue #118 - Page A1 – A3
  2. Club Penguin Times Issue #121 - Pages A2 – A5
  3. Club Penguin Times Issue #130 - Pages A6 and A7
  4. Club Penguin Times Issue #131 - Page A4 and Page A5
  5. Club Penguin Times Issue #132 - Page A6 and A7
  6. Club Penguin Times Issue #160 - Page A4
  7. Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force
  8. Club Penguin Times Issue #170 - Pages A6 and A7
  9. Club Penguin Times Issue #180 - Pages A8 and A9
  10. Club Penguin Times Issue #181 - Pages A2 and A3
  11. Club Penguin Times Issue #234 - Pages A2 and A5
  12. Club Penguin Times Issue #459 - Ask Gary
  13. http://archives.clubpenguinwiki.info/swf.cpcheats.info/catalogues/old_2009/fish.swf
Gary Sightings

Halloween Party 2008 · Penguin Play Awards 2009 · Festival of Flight 2009 · Halloween Party 2009 · Halloween Party 2010 · Halloween Party 2011 · Medieval Party 2012 · Halloween Party 2012 · Prehistoric Party 2013 · Hollywood Party · My Penguin Celebration · Medieval Party 2013 · 5 Year of Club Penguin in Portuguese Celebration · Prehistoric Party 2014 · Special Surprise Mascot Visit · Future Party · 5 Year of Club Penguin in Spanish Celebration · Halloween Party 2014 · Pi Day · Inside Out Party · 10th Anniversary Party · Halloween Party 2015
