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Full Name Franky
Species Penguin
Position Acoustic Guitarist/Banjoist/Keyboardist of the Club Penguin Band
Appeared In Club Penguin Band performances, the book Franky's First Show
Color Yellow
Clothing 2008-2011
Cowboy Hat, Guitar, Red Sneakers
Jacket and Jeans, Purple Kicks
Headphones, Golden Microphone
Related To Unknown
Friends With G Billy
Stompin' Bob
Petey K
Meetable Character? Yes
Dedicated to our fans-stay crazy-stay curious!

Franky is the one of the Penguin Band members. He has been shown playing the keyboard, acoustic guitar and the banjo. He is the latest member of the Penguin Band and the author of the book Franky's First Show. He is also the band's lead singer.Anchors Aweigh, Ghosts Just Wanna Dance.


2006-2007: Debut and First Performances

Franky's thoughts before his first performance.

Franky was originally a Pet Shop employee who was invited by G Billy to join the Penguin Band's as its guitar player. Without hesitation, Franky accepted the invitation. From there Franky practiced with his new band for the next few weeks. When it was time for his first performance at the Wild West Party, Franky was nervous that he would mess up. After playing his first chord, Franky was relieved from his tension and enjoyed himself. Sometime after the performance, Franky would write his experience in the book Franky's First Show which can be read in the Library.[1]

Since then, Franky has performed at many other parties and events such as the Lighthouse's Grand Opening and the Fall Fair 2007. The last time Franky and Penguin Band would perform without an outfit was the St. Patrick's Day Party 2008.

2008-2011: Change in Style

For the Music Jam 2008, the Penguin Band had a sudden change in their outfits. The Penguin Band leaned to more of a country-like theme with matching cowboy hats. The Band performed at the Iceberg and later waddled around Back Stage after their performance.

Sometime after the Music Jam 2010, the Penguin Band changed their outfits a third time. Franky replaced his cowboy hat and red sneakers with a green jacket and purple shoes.

Prior to the Puffle Party 2011, Franky helped Cadence find a Puffle to adopt. This eventually led up to Lolz's adoption.[2]

When the Penguin Band returned for the 4th Music Jam, their new outfits were publicly revealed in the Club Penguin Times.

2012-Present: Modern Penguin Band

In September 2012, Franky sung the lyrics for Anchors Aweigh as the other members played instrumentals. A month later, Franky performed in a duet with Cadence for Ghosts Just Wanna Dance.

After being invited by Cadence, she and the Penguin Band created a concept called SoundStudio. Presumably around the same time, Best Day Ever is recorded with Cadence as the lead singer and the Penguin Band as instrumentals. During the Music Jam 2014, the Penguin Band and Cadence performed on the Main Stage of the Music Cruise.


Franky is a yellow-colored penguin. He wears a green jacket over a magenta and orange sweater on top of a white T-Shirt with a penguin silhouette wearing headphones. He also wears jeans and has purple shoes. The inside of his jacket appears to be a bright lime-like color and in the inside of his magenta jacket is orange.

Prior to 2011, Franky wore a cowboy hat, red sneakers and carried an acoustic guitar.

Before Franky became a mascot, he wore no outfit and was only seen playing his acoustic guitar.

Ask Franky

Unlike the other members of the Penguin Band, Franky once took over the Ask section of the Club Penguin Times.


List of Franky's appearances


Franky's scripts
  • How's life?
  • What's up everyone?
  • Good to see everybody!
  • You guys look good
  • Thanks for coming out!
  • Looking good
  • It's been way too long
  • Wow it's so nice to meet you
  • Hey everybody!
Penguin Band
  • That's Stompin' Bob
  • Hey SB...
  • We have a bassist over here
  • Stomp rocks the bass
  • He keeps us all rocking hard
  • He never runs out of energy
  • Nice playing up there
  • We gotta nail that chorus
  • It's Petey K!
  • Hey Petey
  • What are you up to?
  • He's always got a prank planned
  • I'm still cleaning watermelon...
  • out of my keys case
  • Hey there G Billy!
  • It's G Billy
  • He's our awesome drummer
  • You're like the foundation of the band
  • He's like the foundation of the band
  • Oh is that now?
  • Oops I lost track of time
  • Man I'm so glad you reminded me
  • Where would we be without you?
Player Music
  • Hey this is your song!
  • You mixed this track?
  • You've got talent
  • You gotta keep making songs
  • I want to hear more
  • This sounds great
  • I like that riff
  • What a beat, hey?
  • This track could use something...
  • cowbell?
  • drums?
  • a guitar riff?
  • some synth?
  • record scratching?
  • crazy sound effects?
  • What do you think?
  • Petey K?
  • Stompin' Bob?
  • G Billy?
  • Are you guys in a band?
  • You LOOK like a band
  • You want to jam?
  • Let's do it!
  • Jams on keyboard
  • Awesome!
  • Here we go!
  • Any keyboard players?
  • Awesome!
  • That's yours?
  • Is that a KEYTAR?
  • That's so sweet!
  • Have you tried SoundStudio?
  • Have you guys made any songs?
  • Do you like SoundStudio?
  • I like messing around with it
  • It helps me sort out my ideas
  • Sometimes I'll write a track with it
  • And then bring it to the band
  • So we can all jam on it
  • Everything gets better...
  • When the band gets a hold of it
  • I could give you some advice
  • But I'm sure you guys are good
  • I'm not some expert or anything
  • Keep playing with instruments
  • Until you feel something click
  • Or until you're too hungry
  • That's when I know to stop!
  • Hey Cadence!
  • What's up Cadence?
  • It's Cadence!
  • What an amazing gig!
  • How did you come up with this?
  • Cadence when does the party start?
  • No chance!
  • For sure!
  • Yeah the other guys are backstage
  • They're chilling for a while
  • I'll tell them you said hi
  • They're sorry they couldn't come
  • What do you think?
  • Thanks
  • That's so nice of you!
  • I've been working hard on my music
  • I like sampling old records
  • and I LOVE video games!
  • I'm all about Astro Barrier
  • Whats your favorite arcade game?
  • Send me a friend request!
  • We've gotta stay in touch!
  • You can pick up our background...
  • if you like
  • Petey K designed it
  • Thanks for being amazing fans!
  • That's great!
  • haha that's funny!
  • For sure!
  • Sweet!
  • yes!
  • no!
  • nooo way!
  • nope!
  • maybe!
  • Who's your favorite Music Cruise act?
  • It's okay if it isn't us...
  • we like all the other acts!
  • Cadence?
  • She's a good friend
  • You read my book?
  • Well I still get butterflies
  • But I love performing so much
follow me!
  • Should we go this way?
  • Alright I'm gonna head out
  • Alright where do you want to go?
  • Nice let's do it
  • Follow me!
food & drink
  • I'm so thirsty
  • Can someone pass me a water bottle?
  • Sweet thanks!
  • drinks
  • Help yourselves guys!
  • oooh coffee
  • drinks coffee
  • coffee emotes!
  • phew now I'm awake!
  • yum!
  • hehehe!
  • ok time for me to practice
  • Back real soon!
  • bye!
  • cya!
  • That was awesome guys
  • Thanks so much for hanging out.




Names in other languages

Language Name
Portuguese Franky
French Franky
Spanish Franky
German Franky
Russian Фрэнки

Sources and References
