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List of Field-Ops

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The following is a list of Field-Ops:

  1. Deactivate Herbert's popcorn bomb, hidden near a big "S".
  2. Power up an antenna, hidden somewhere up high.
  3. Destroy an old Spy Phone, detected near a large light bulb.
  4. Reactivate the network computer hidden in a couch.
  5. Find a microphone and shut it down.
  6. Find a computer and bypass its system to shut it down.
  7. Power up the Beacon before the light goes out.
  8. Prevent Herbert from using something that ninjas don't really use.
  9. Investigate the island's cash registers. Fix the one that sets off your Spy Phone.
  10. Go to the Coffee Shop. Power up a new safety override for the steamer.
  11. Search the island together for the dangerous speaker, then shut it down.
  12. G detected strange readings from the Clock Tower, go to the clock and power a new security system.
  13. Shut down a distress signal of a wrecked vehicle.
  14. Install a new radio scanner at sea.
  15. Fix the broken scanner and restart the system.
  16. Install the final scanner near a curtain.
  17. Find an enemy signal underground and send it G.
  18. Check water vehicles to see if they have been tampered with.
  19. Look for enemy signals at sea.
  20. Power up the last part for next week (It's disguised as a telephone).
  21. Search the EPF computers for the infected systems, and repair them. Use the new Spy Phone tool G has created.
  22. Find a hidden popcorn device in a barrel.
  23. Work together to repair the EPF system.
  24. Travel to the VR HQ, and power up the broken hologram panel.
  25. Look for new enemy signals. Search near the ocean - it's our only clue.
  26. Look for a 'booth' and repair any damage you find.
  27. Search the Ski Village for more enemy signals.
  28. Look for a speaker and repair damage.
  29. Make sure all Aqua Grabbers are working fine.
  30. Fix the EPF antenna.
  31. Search for Enemy signals in the wilderness.
  32. Check a hidden device possibly infected by Herbert.
  33. Find a device Herbert has hidden in a box.
  34. Check for citizen computers and destroy unusual programs. Use the new Spy phone tool G has created.
  35. Defend the EPF Command Room from Mini-Wheel Bots.
  36. Investigate a mysterious crab walking around The Stadium.
  37. Help fix EPF communications.
  38. Look for signals where the crabs can be found.
  39. Look for secret messages Herbert may have hidden around the island. Search things with locks - like chests, suitcases and lockers.
  40. Scan remote areas for scrambled radio signals.
  41. Defend the trees from a Test Bot.
  42. Look for a micro-computer hidden in an everyday object.
  43. Decode a mysterious letter.
  44. Take out Protobot with Tactical H2O cannons.
  45. Watch out for anything suspicious.
  46. Look for suspicious signals or devices.
  47. Find a device hidden in a machine, and disable it.
  48. Set up the Comm tower, and begin Operation: Hibernation.
  49. Find the Club Penguin Times archives and test our security systems by trying to break in.
  50. Locate our main signal transmitter, hidden in a "large" machine. See if you can break through EPF security.
  51. Dot has thrown a micro-transmitter into the water. Work together to find the signal, then crack its code.
  52. Check all EPF electronics and computers to make sure they're secure.
  53. Find a device Jet Pack Guy hid in a pumpkin and disable it.
  54. Remove any possible hazards from the new Pufflescape game.
  55. Power up a surveillance device.
  56. Run a test on the coldest water spot and use the Password Decrypter.
  57. Run a test on the hottest lava spot and bypass the system.
  58. Find and decode a signal in the Fire Dojo.
  59. Upgrade security in the Lighthouse.
  60. Ensure that the ice at the Ice Rink is not too strong.
  61. Check the video feed in the Command Room and disable the alarm.
  62. Find a spot to launch the fireworks.
  63. Scan for enemy signals near the shore.
  64. Rookie needs help increasing power to the Recycletron 3000. Use your Spy Phone to power it up.
  65. Search the shoreline for unusual signals - particularly the cliking of crabs. Report anything you find.
  66. RED ALERT! Protect Club Penguin citizens by making sure all the flood bubble shields are at full power.
  67. G wants you to try to fix the damaged security feed. Go to the main screen, and see if you can fix it.
  68. Look for evidence of any large food orders that may have been made by Herbert.
  69. Dot wants you to investigate the Recycletron for evidence. Search the room, to see if you can find anything suspicious.
  70. Disguise yourself as a pirate. Then travel to Shipwreck Island and install an EPF radio antenna in the new beacon.
  71. Go to the Migrator, and scan the ship upgrades for computer errors. Fix the error before you reach Swasbuckler Trading Post.
  72. G wants you to go to the EPF central antenna on top of Ski Hill. Lock onto Herbert's phone, and broadcast a message to see if he is all right.
  73. Work with other agents to check Puffle Party gadgets for any errors. Check every machine set up for the party. Fix any errors you find.
  74. Search for the broken Aqua Grabber Underground. Power up its computer core. Dot wants to use it as bait for Herbert.
  75. Find a candy cane for Gary.
  76. Find an unplugged machine and upload a secret message onto it.
  77. Find a computer somewhere on Club Penguin, and use it to break into EPF security. Leave the computer unattended. G will be watching for Herbert.
  78. Go to Snow Forts, and provide security for the Earth Day event. Scan for enemy signals.
  79. Barrels of cream soda are missing from the Pizza Shop. Search for any clues of where they might have gone.
  80. Go to the Ski Hill, connect with the EPF antenna, and look for unusual radio signals.
  81. Search the island for mushrooms, and use your phone to "give them power". This will, apparently, help G in his research.
  82. A creature known as the Dragon King is attacking Club Penguin. Climb the Ski Hill, and use your phone to target incoming fireballs.
  83. Go to Dragon Peak, and use your Spy Phone to help strengthen the magic seals biding Scorn.
  84. Go to the Docks, make it secure then radio back. It may have interference from the meteor.
  85. Check all EPF computers for Protobot infections. If any viruses are detected, use your Spy Phone to neutralize them.
  86. The giant Destructobot attacking Club Penguin is controlled from the Super Villain mainframe computer. Sneak into the lair, and shut it down.
  87. Radar has detected a swarm of Doom Drones heading Downtown. Go to the Snow Forts, and use your Spy Phone to take them down.
  88. The only way to stop Protobot and the Destructobot is to drain the Meteor's power. Go to the Meteor, secure it from Super Villains, and install a draining device.
  89. Search the island for transmissions from Protobot. Search near the site where the Meteor crashed.
  90. Scan all electronics and power generators on the island for signs of Protobot computer infections. Delete any errors you find.
  91. Check the music equipment around the island for Protobot computer infections. Work together to track his signal and delete him.
  92. Log onto the EPF mainframe computer, and look for any suspicious signals. Delete any rogue programs you find.
  93. G needs your help with an experiment. Go to the EPF computer terminal, and unscramble the code.
  94. Search areas close to the EPF, and scan for the source of the strange energy. Work together to cover more ground.
  95. G requires more energy for an experiment. Go to the Mine Cave, and divert energy from the power generator back to the EPF.
  96. Secure the area of BIG BIG KAHUNA.
  97. Go to the top of volcano, and test the rocks with your Spy Phone. G needs more data on BIG BIG KAHUNA.
  98. Go to the Beacon, and use the long-range snowblasters to blast any nearby icebergs close to Rockhopper's ship.
  99. Go to the Forest, and power up a security scanner. The Great Puffle Circus is being set up nearby, and G wants increased security.
  100. Check all of the flashing neon signs at the Fair, and make sure they're operation safely.
  101. Check all the fish dog carts and fish burger stands for a malfunctioning grill. Make repairs without alerting the public.
  102. Search the island for Gariwald's lost notes. Search boxes, filing cabinets, and other places papers might be stored.
  103. Go to the Forest, and scan for any unusual signals. G is looking for evidence of Gariwald's ghost experiments.
  104. Search the haunted mansion for the source of the ghosts, and shut it down.
  105. Search the mansion for any technology that might be haunted. Use your Spy Phone to cleanse ghosts from the system.
  106. Check the EPF mainframe for any security breaches.
  107. None

Field-Ops Spoilers

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow. Click “Expand” to view spoilers.
  1. Go to the Town, stand near big "S", and follow instructions.
  2. Go to the Ski Hill, stand near the pole, and follow instructions.
  3. Go to the Cave Mine, stand nearby the light device, and follow instructions.
  4. Go to the Lodge Attic, stand near the red couch, and follow instructions.
  5. Go to the Forest, stand near to microphone, and follow instructions.
  6. Go to the Recycling Plant, stand near to the desk, and follow instructions.
  7. Go to the Beacon, stand near to the light, and follow instructions.
  8. Go to the Dojo Courtyard, stand near the projector, and follow instructions.
  9. Go to the Stadium, stand near to the cash register, and follow instructions.
  10. Go to the Coffee Shop, stand near the steamer, and follow instructions.
  11. Go to the Lighthouse, stand near the speaker at the bottom left-hand corner, and follow instructions.
  12. Go to the Snow Forts, stand near the clock tower, and follow instructions.
  13. Go to the Hidden Lake, stand near the broken Aqua Grabber, and follow instructions.
  14. Go to the Iceberg, stand near the top left tip, and follow instructions.
  15. Go to the Beach, stand near the buoy, and follow instructions.
  16. Go to the Dance Lounge, stand near the curtain, and follow instructions.
  17. Go to the Cave, stand near the middle window, and follow instructions.
  18. Go to the Dock, stand near the Hydro-Hopper boat, and follow instructions.
  19. Go to the Beach, stand near the shells, and follow instructions.
  20. Go to the Mine, stand near the table by the Puffle Rescue game, and follow instructions.
  21. Go to the EPF Command Room, stand near the computer that has the Club Penguin map, and follow instructions.
  22. Go to the Hidden Lake, stand near the barrel, and follow instructions.
  23. Go to the Everyday Phoning Facility, stand near the phone booth, and follow instructions.
  24. Go to the VR Room, stand near the third panel from the left, and follow instructions.
  25. Go to the Cove, stand in the water just to the left of the Game Upgrades icon, and follow instructions.
  26. Go to the Plaza, stand in the ticket booth outside the Stage, and follow instructions.
  27. Go to the Ski Village, stand in the Tour Booth, and follow instructions.
  28. Go to the Night Club, stand near the bottom speaker, and follow instructions.
  29. Go to the Hidden Lake, stand near the broken Aqua Grabber, and follow instructions.
  30. Go to the Ski Hill, stand near the pole, and follow the instructions.
  31. Go to the Maze room with the keyboard in the Wilderness Expedition, go to the rock next to the correct path, and follow the instructions.
    1. After the Wilderness Expedition ended, one would need to go to the Forest, stand in the northern area, and follow instructions.
  32. Go to the Night Club, stand near the DJ set, and follow the instructions.
  33. Go to the Box Dimension, stand near the box in the top left corner, and follow the instructions.
  34. Go to the Recycling Plant, stand near the computer, and follow the instructions.
  35. Go to the Ski Village, stand in between the Everyday Phoning Facility and the Ski Lodge and follow instructions.
  36. Go to the Ice Rink, stand inside the snack stand, then follow the instructions.
  37. Go to the Mine Shack, stand near the Herbert statue, and follow instructions.
  38. Go to the Cave, stand near the middle window, and follow the instructions.
  39. Go to the Lodge Attic, stand near the blue suitcase, and follow the instructions.
  40. Go to the Iceberg, stand somewhere to the left, then follow the instructions.
  41. Go to the Dock, stand near the top, and follow the instructions.
  42. Go to the Coffee Shop, stand near the tree, and follow the instructions.
  43. Go to the EPF Command Room, stand near the computer that has the Club Penguin map, and follow the instructions.
  44. Go to the Cove, stand on the rock next to the Lifeguard chair, and follow the instructions.
  45. Go to the Cave, stand on an area above the "Your Home" button in the Toolbar, and follow the instructions.
  46. Go to the Ski Village, stand near the flowers, and follow the instructions.
  47. Go to the Cave Mine, stand near the snowball powered generator, and follow the instructions.
  48. Go to the Cave (Party Room), stand near the metal tower, and follow the instructions.
  49. Go to the Boiler Room, stand near the Club Penguin Times archives, and follow the instructions.
  50. Go to the Snow Forts, stand near the Clock Tower, and follow instructions.
  51. Go to the Hidden Lake, stand near the waterfall on the left, and follow instructions.
  52. Go to the EPF Command Room, stand on the left of the System Defender computer, and follow the instructions.
  53. Go to the Night Club, stand by the speaker near the door, and follow the instructions.
  54. Go to the Mine, stand near the Puffle Rescue table, and follow the instructions.
  55. Go to the Pet Shop, stand near the Brown Puffle electric ball, and follow the instructions.
  56. Go to the Cove, stand in the water left of the Game Upgrades icon, and follow the instructions.
  57. Go to the Dock, stand on top of the lava pool, and follow the instructions.
  58. Go to the Fire Dojo, stand near the left wall, and follow the instructions.
  59. Go to the Lighthouse, stand near the wooden crate, and follow the instructions.
  60. Go to the Ice Rink, stand near the middle post at the bottom of the screen, and follow the instructions.
  61. Go to the EPF Command Room, stand on top of the third chair from the left below the video screen, and follow the instructions.
  62. Go to the Ski Hill, stand near the top, and follow the instructions.
  63. Go to the Beach, stand near the left of the Lighthouse, and follow the instructions.
  64. Go to the Recycling Plant, stand near to Recycletron 3000, and follow instructions.
  65. Go to the Cove, stand near to the rocks in the water, and follow instructions.
  66. Go to the Lighthouse, stand near to the drum, and follow instructions.
  67. Go to the EPF Command Room, stand the TV, and follow the instructions.
  68. Go to the Pizza Parlor, stand the book, and follow the instructions.
  69. Go to the Recycling Plant, stand near to the computer, and follow instructions.
  70. Go to the Shipwreck Island, stand near to beacon, and follow instructions.
  71. Go to the Migrator stand near to the helm, and follow instructions.
  72. Go to the Ski Hill, stand near the pole, and follow instructions.
  73. Go to the Dance Lounge, stand near the Food Maker 3000, and follow instructions.
  74. Go to the Hidden Lake, stand near the broken Aqua Grabber, and follow instructions.
  75. Go to the Candy Dimension, stand near the candy cane located near the cream waterfall, and follow instructions.
  76. Go to the Dance Lounge, stand near the unplugged arcade, and follow instructions.
  77. Go to the Recycling Plant, stand near to the computer, and follow instructions.
  78. Go to the Snow Forts, stand near to binoculars from the treehouse, and follow instructions.
  79. Go to the Pizza Parlor, stand the book, and follow the instructions.
  80. Go to the Ski Hill, stand near the pole, and follow instructions.
  81. Go to the Beach, stand near the mushroom, and follow instructions.
  82. Go to the Ski Hill, stand near the gold near the door, and follow instructions.
  83. Go to the Ski Hill, stand near the broken Scorn Statue, and follow instructions.
  84. Go to the Dock, stand near the trees near the entrance to the Town, and follow instructions.
  85. Go to the EPF Command Room, stand near the computer that has the Club Penguin map, and follow the instructions.
  86. Go to the Villain Lair, stand near the left computer that has the Field-ops symbol, and follow the instructions.
  87. Go to the Snow Forts, stand near the broken gold car, and follow the instructions.
  88. Go to the Dock, stand near the meteor crater that is oriented towards the rings, and follow the instructions.
  89. Go to the Dock, stand near the tree above the Hydro-Hopper catalog sign from the down-right corner, and follow the instructions.
  90. Go to the Cave Mine, stand nearby the light device, and follow the instructions.
  91. Go to the Lighthouse, stand near the scene control panel, and follow instructions.
  92. Go to the EPF Command Room, stand near the computer that has the Club Penguin map, and follow instructions.
  93. Go to the EPF Command Room, stand near the computer that has the Club Penguin map, and follow instructions.
  94. Go to the Beacon, stand near the left of the telescope, and follow the instructions.
  95. Go to the Cave Mine, stand nearby the light device, and follow instructions.
  96. Go to the Volcano Mouth, stand near the top by going up the yellow path, and follow the instructions.
  97. Go to the Volcano Mouth, stand near the top by going up the yellow path, and follow the instructions.
  98. Go to the Beacon, stand near the left of the telescope, and follow the instructions.
  99. Go to the Forest, stand near to rock in north, and follow instructions.
  100. Go to the Ski Hill, stand near to Sled Run neon sign, and follow instructions.
  101. Go to the Stadium, stand near to fish burger stand, and follow instructions.
  102. Go to the Boiler Room, stand near the Club Penguin Times archives, and follow the instructions.
  103. Go to the Forest, stand near to rock in north, and follow instructions.
  104. Go to the Ghost Lab, stand near to the computer, and follow instructions.
  105. Go to the Mansion Attic, stand near to cage, and follow instructions.
  106. Go to the EPF Command Room, stand near the computer that has the Club Penguin map, and follow instructions.
  107. None
Spoilers end here.

See also