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my user page on cp wiki

Template:Cool mood

here is a story click here for the story

here is my logo

Snicks10 tracker

online= no

sever= none

room= none

File:Annoying Orange.jpg

first b-day on cp

my first b-day on cp is soon ==Wanna take

here is a link to it

My favorite pages

                 {{RoomInfobox|title= Lighthouse


My templates,trackers,banners,music and awards

Snicks10 has seen Rockhopper! Arrr!
This user completed the 1st Year Quiz.
Snicks10 is a member on Club Penguin! Now, look at this badge!

{{ }}

BEWARE! This user is a Ninja!!!! Behold their awesomeness and TREMBLE!


Snicks10 is a male.


Snicks10 is a top agent of the EPF.
This user loves puffles.

{{ >

Snicks10 is a Sensei fan! Now, you should go and do some Haiku-making!

< >

PWNed! This user beat Sensei and got the Ninja Mask!


This user is from the Green Team!


300 Snicks10 has made over 300 edits on the Club Penguin Wiki.

250 Snicks10 has made over 250 edits on the Club Penguin Wiki.

200 Snicks10 has made over 200 edits on the Club Penguin Wiki.

150 Snicks10 has made over 150 edits on the Club Penguin Wiki.

100 Snicks10 has made over 100 edits on the Club Penguin Wiki.

NAME This user's penguin is called Snicks10.

Template:1 party


OTHER This user's other penguin is called A penguin na.
Snicks10 has a Brown Puffle.
Snicks10 has an Orange Puffle.


my test penguin

a penguin na
Full Name a penguin na
Species Penguin
Position EPF Agent
Appeared every party
Color aqua
Clothing every non member party clothes starting december
Related To Snicks10
Friends With cory8
Meetable Character? ?

here is my sinntur

-Snicks10 I am cool and so are you HOT! sup

Snicks10 is a member on Club Penguin! Now, look at this badge!
I Completed The Upgrader Quiz!


WOOT! Snicks10 is a level 2 member on Club Penguin!
HUZZAH! Snicks10 has seen the White Puffle in the wild!
Snicks10 is a ninja! That's why Snicks10 is so awesome!


Snicks10 is a Fire Ninja!
Snicks10 has defeated Herbert in the EPF: Herbert's Revenge Game!
Snicks10 is an Elite Penguin Force Agent. Thanks to this penguin, Herbert's plans are always spoiled!
Snicks10 uses the Google Chrome browser.
Snicks10 is afraid of heights!


Snicks10 has unlocked a Coin Code! Whoa!
Snicks10's favorite mini-game on Club Penguin is Cart Surfer!
This user hates vandalism so much that they want to break the vandaliser's computer to pieces!

Snicks10 states that they will never stop editing the wiki!
{{Plays CP}
2009 This user has completed the 2009 Quiz.
Snicks10 is an American.
Snicks10 plays on Club Penguin!
QUIZ This user completed the Sith Cub Quiz.
This user completed the 1st Year Quiz.
? snicks10 is currently dk.


<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,29,0" width="269" height="293"> <param name="movie" value="http://media2.clubpenguin.com/community/flash/widget.swf"> <param name="quality" value="high"> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"> <embed src="http://media2.clubpenguin.com/community/flash/widget.swf" wmode="transparent" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="269" height="293"></embed></object>

Penguin Standard Time (PST)
Your Local Time: 18:46

who needs the clock tower you have time right here


<a href="http://clubpenguincp.com/trackers/rockhopper/" title="Rockhopper Tracker"><img src="http://clubpenguintrackers.com/rockhopper.png" alt="Rockhopper Tracker"></img></a> <a href="http://clubpenguincp.com/trackers/gary/" title="Gary Tracker"><img src="http://clubpenguintrackers.com/gary.png" alt="Gary Tracker"></img></a> <a href="http://clubpenguincp.com/trackers/auntarctic/" title="Aunt Arctic Tracker"><img src="http://clubpenguintrackers.com/auntarctic.png" alt="Aunt Arctic Tracker"></img></a> <a href="http://clubpenguincp.com/trackers/cadence/" title="Cadence Tracker"><img src="http://clubpenguintrackers.com/cadence.png" alt="Cadence Tracker"></img></a> <a href="http://clubpenguincp.com/trackers/penguinband/" title="Penguin Band Tracker"><img src="http://clubpenguintrackers.com/penguinband.png" alt="Penguin Band Tracker"></img></a> <a href="http://clubpenguincp.com/trackers/sensei/" title="Sensei Tracker"><img src="http://clubpenguintrackers.com/sensei.png" alt="Sensei Tracker"></img></a> <a href="http://clubpenguincp.com/trackers/pin/" title="Club Penguin Pin Tracker"><img src="http://clubpenguintrackers.com/pintracker.png" alt="Club Penguin Pin Tracker"></img></a> <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,29,0" width="269" height="293"> <param name="movie" value="http://media2.clubpenguin.com/community/flash/widget.swf"> <param name="quality" value="high"> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"> <embed src="http://media2.clubpenguin.com/community/flash/widget.swf" wmode="transparent" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="269" height="293"></embed></object

how my penguin formed

In 2005 in rockhopper iland rockhopper found me and raised me and took me to club penguin. Rockhopper is my dad. Sensai is my grandpa. Candence is my mom. Penguin band are my bros. Gary is my cousin. Aunt arctic is my aunt Uncle Arcic is my uncle.

well I am snicks10 I play on cp a lot I love cp as of feb 18 19 20 I am in disney world


Snicks10 tracker

random things

<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,29,0" width="269" height="293"> <param name="movie" value="http://media2.clubpenguin.com/community/flash/widget.swf"> <param name="quality" value="high"> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"> <embed src="http://media2.clubpenguin.com/community/flash/widget.swf" wmode="transparent" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="269" height="293"></embed></object>





Snicks10 is a member on Club Penguin! Now, look at this badge!
I Completed The Upgrader Quiz!


WOOT! Snicks10 is a level 2 member on Club Penguin!
HUZZAH! Snicks10 has seen the White Puffle in the wild!
Snicks10 is a ninja! That's why Snicks10 is so awesome!


Snicks10 is a Fire Ninja!
Snicks10 has defeated Herbert in the EPF: Herbert's Revenge Game!
Snicks10 is an Elite Penguin Force Agent. Thanks to this penguin, Herbert's plans are always spoiled!
Snicks10 uses the Google Chrome browser.
Snicks10 is afraid of heights!

Snicks10 has seen Rockhopper! Arrr!
This user completed the 1st Year Quiz.
Snicks10 is a member on Club Penguin! Now, look at this badge!

{{ }}

BEWARE! This user is a Ninja!!!! Behold their awesomeness and TREMBLE!


Snicks10 is a male.


Snicks10 is a top agent of the EPF.
This user loves puffles.

{{ >

Snicks10 is a Sensei fan! Now, you should go and do some Haiku-making!

< >

PWNed! This user beat Sensei and got the Ninja Mask!


This user is from the Green Team!


300 Snicks10 has made over 300 edits on the Club Penguin Wiki.

250 Snicks10 has made over 250 edits on the Club Penguin Wiki.

200 Snicks10 has made over 200 edits on the Club Penguin Wiki.

150 Snicks10 has made over 150 edits on the Club Penguin Wiki.

100 Snicks10 has made over 100 edits on the Club Penguin Wiki.

NAME This user's penguin is called Snicks10.
Snicks10 has unlocked a Coin Code! Whoa!
Snicks10's favorite mini-game on Club Penguin is Cart Surfer!

Snicks10 states that they will never stop editing the wiki!