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Tato Maxx

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Tato Maxx

Full Name ?
Position Moderator
Spanish Blogger
Worked at Club Penguin ?—present
Penguin Tato Maxx

Tato Maxx is a moderator and a blogger for Club Penguin Español (Spanish).


It is unknown how long he has been a Club Penguin staff member, but he was introduced as the main Club Penguin Español blogger on August 3, 2012 [1]


Appearance in Club Penguin


  • He practices extreme sports, but is very bad at playing soccer. However, he still enjoys soccer.[1]
  • His favorite game is Catchin' Waves. [1]
  • His favorite type of candy are mango flavored candies. [1]
  • His penguin is usually holding the EReader.

Sources and references