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Rockhopper vs. Mighty Squid!!

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Rockhopper vs. Mighty Squid
Available Yes
Released August 8, 2012
Views 901,800+

Rockhopper vs. Mighty Squid is a Club Penguin Animated Short, and is the fifth episode in the series. In this episode, Rockhopper is sailing away from Club Penguin Island (most likely over Clam Waters) and is attacked by a Giant Squid who mistakes Yarr as his ball.


Rockhopper is sailing away from Club Penguin Island over Clam Waters with Yarr. Behind an ice formation there is the Giant Squid playing basketball from broken ship material. When the Migrator passed he threw his ball so far that it landed on the ship. Determined to get its ball back it attacks the ship. It then sneaks up behind Yarr mistaken that it is its ball. The squid than starts spinning Yarr like a ball while Rockhopper dropped an anchor on the it. The squid then attacks Rockhopper with the anchor back and taking Yarr. Rockhopper then swings from a rope and saves Yarr. Yarr then bounces off of a net and into the squid's mouth. It then starts choking on the red puffle. Rockhopper then creates a shrine in honor of Yarr as he mourns. After a while the squid vomits out a cookie, a dead fish bone, a shell, a boot, a map and Yarr. Rockhopper then jumps to save Yarr again from the Giant Squid. They begin to jump to the Crow's Nest. Yarr finds the ball that the squid was looking for and loaded the Snow Cannon 3000 while Rockhopper fights with the squid. The cannon blasted the ball far away with the Giant Squid following it.



Names in other languages

Language Name
Portuguese Capitão Rockhopper contra o Molusco dos Sete Mares
French Rockhopper et le Poulpe Géant
Spanish El Capitán Rockhopper Vs. El Poderoso Calamar
German Käpitan Rockhopper und der riesige Tintenfisch
Russian N/A


  • This episode is the first instance of where viewers got to hear Rockhopper's voice.
    • This episode also proved the true color of the Giant Squid, purple.
  • Rockhopper once said that he saw the Kraken. This episode was most likely a reference to that.