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List of Rocky's quotes

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  • Hey hey hey!
  • Hello everyone!
  • Rocky here
  • Whoa, look at this place!
  • You guys look awesome!
  • Thanks!
  • Nice to meet you!
  • Are you ready to dance?
  • Smooth moves!
  • Are you ready to party?
  • I hope you guys have practiced…
  • We’re gonna dance till we drop!
  • Hey CeCe!
  • There you are girl
  • You’re pretty cute for a penguin
  • Let’s do this!
  • Hearts!


  • Yo! Follow!
  • Over here!
  • This way!
  • Heads up!
  • CECE!
  • Pay attention!
  • Get your head out of the clouds!
  • This way!
  • Come along now!
  • Let’s do this!
  • Where’s CeCe?
  • Oh there you are
  • Up here!
  • Get on stage!
  • Line up!
  • That’s random
  • Hearts!


  • Hey!
  • Let’s chat!
  • You don’t have fans
  • Don’t listen to her
  • No she doesn’t!
  • Nonsense!
  • LOL!
  • ROFL!
  • Am not!
  • Am too!
  • Do not!
  • Do too!
  • I heard that!
  • Watch it, CeCe
  • I love school!
  • I have a perfect attendance record
  • Just to make sure
  • I love LOTS of animals
  • I’m a vegetarian actually
  • Also my brother I guess
  • I wouldn’t mind trading him for a cat
  • Just kidding!
  • I would trade him for a gold fish
  • I would trade him for a pet rock
  • JK!
  • I luv my bro, I guess
  • He’s got my back
  • My favorite sport?
  • I like martial arts!
  • I took karate!
  • No one messes with me
  • HIYA!
  • What did you say?
  • What did you say about ninjas?
  • Who’s Sensei?
  • Hmm…
  • Maybe I should challenge this Sensei…
  • To a Karate-Dance off!
  • :P
  • What’s my favourite game?
  • That’s a hard one
  • I like lots of games…
  • …but I’m usually too busy
  • My favourite music?
  • Anything you can dance to
  • Most music is amazing
  • I heart it
  • Major
  • I’ve got tons of favorites
  • Her music goes straight to my heart!
  • What’s YOUR favorite animal?
  • What’s YOUR favorite sport?
  • What’s YOUR favorite music?
  • What’s YOUR favorite game?
  • Who’s your BFF?
  • CeCe is mine
  • She’s cool
  • Mostly
  • Sometimes she’s a bit crazy
  • But that makes me like her more
  • Whoa what’s that!
  • Is that a puffle?
  • A puffle!
  • Hahahaa!
  • I love it!
  • They’re so sweet!
  • EeeEEEeeeE!
  • You guys are so lucky!
  • I’m not getting you a puffle CeCe!
  • I wouldn’t trust you with a cactus

Music Video

  • Alright!
  • Let’s get started!
  • Dancers let’s go go go!
  • Don’t be shy!
  • Don’t worry!
  • Let’s go from the top!
  • Dance!
  • One two one two!
  • Nice job!
  • Watch out!
  • Don’t bump into each other!
  • Haha!
  • Oh noes!
  • CeCe bumps me all the time
  • You do so
  • You and your crazy feet
  • Crazy feet
  • Can we get more dancers on stage?
  • Hey you guys!
  • Anyone NOT on stage, listen up!
  • GET!
  • ON!
  • STAGE!
  • That’s better!
  • Alright, let’s make a video!
  • Looking good!
  • Watch out for the edge!
  • Phew!
  • Close call!
  • This chair is REALLY tall…
  • Don’t bump me CeCe…
  • OKAY!
  • Switch spots!
  • Make a dance circle!
  • Break dancers you’re up!
  • Great job!
  • UP
  • What does that even mean?
  • Everybody HEEEEEYY!
  • Everybody HOOOO!
  • HOOOO!
  • CeCe!
  • Oh thanks so much!
  • Umm…
  • Could someone get me a water?
  • You’re awesome!
  • Maybe I COULD get used to this…
  • This is the life!
  • No time to rest!
  • Let’s wrap it up folks!
  • Great work today!

Cadence Related

  • Cadence Cadence Cadence!
  • There you are!
  • You look great!
  • Are you ready for the show?
  • CeCe’s right!
  • Don’t be nervous!
  • Don’t be silly
  • With your voice, and our moves…
  • there’s no way you’re gonna fail!
  • Hey everyone!
  • See, lookit those hearts
  • Here, let me fix your hair
  • Stand straight
  • If you get nervous
  • Just breathe
  • Wait bad idea
  • Deep breaths
  • You’ve got the moves
  • Good luck Cadence!
  • We’re rooting for you!


  • Time to go everyone!
  • Thanks so much!
  • You guys have been awesome
  • I’ll miss you guys
  • I had a great time
  • Hope to see ya again!
  • Take it easy!
  • Ciao!
  • Luv ya!
  • Bye bye!
  • Let’s go CeCe!
  • Time to go!
  • Bye!