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List of CeCe's quotes

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  • Hey!
  • Hi!
  • CeCe in the house!
  • Let’s hang!
  • I’m CeCe
  • That’s Rocky
  • She’s my BFF
  • You all look GREAT!
  • You guys are rocking it!
  • You ready to party?
  • Hey Rocky!
  • JK!
  • Luv ya!
  • Are you ready to dance?
  • Time to show me your moves!
  • Time for CeCe to do what CeCe does best!


  • Hey follow me!
  • Rocky!
  • Heads up!
  • This way!
  • I wanted to have a nap first
  • Let’s do this!
  • I think I lost Rocky…
  • Oh there you are
  • I was so worried
  • Really really
  • Up here!
  • Up on stage!
  • Line up!


  • Hey hey!
  • You’ve got some questions?
  • I love answering fan questions!…well, I have at least ONE fan
  • I think
  • My mom thinks I’m cool
  • Rocky’s mom thinks I’m cool
  • Don’t listen to her
  • She’s delirious
  • You look a little pale Rocky
  • You’d better lay down
  • I got this, you rest
  • JK!
  • LOL!
  • Am not!
  • Am too!
  • Do not!
  • Do too!
  • My favorite music?
  • My favorite animal?
  • I’ve got WAY too many faves
  • If I had to pick…
  • Probably my little brother
  • He’s wild
  • I really like labradoodles too!
  • They’re. So. CUTE!
  • Homework is Rocky’s favorite game
  • Yes you are
  • Too many faves to say!
  • Hahaha!
  • Kidding kidding kidding!
  • Rocky is great at picking BFFs
  • What’s YOUR favorite animal?
  • What’s YOUR favorite sport?
  • What’s YOUR favorite music?
  • What’s YOUR favorite game?
  • What is that?
  • Is that a puffle?
  • A puffle!
  • I want to hug all the puffles!
  • I luv them!
  • Rocky! Get me a puffle!
  • NOW!
  • Pleeeeease!
  • I love your puffles!
  • Oh my!
  • It’s got a little hat!
  • ROCKY!
  • It’s
  • Wearing
  • A hat!
  • I died from cuteness
  • Cuteness overload

Music Video

  • Alright!
  • It’s time to make some music
  • It’s time to make some noise!
  • Listen up!
  • We’re gonna make a music video
  • But it’ll take a lot of work
  • Are you ready!
  • Let’s shake it up!
  • Dancers on stage!
  • Lights!
  • Cameras!
  • Actions!
  • Dance!
  • Woo!
  • Nice moves!
  • I need more backup dancers?
  • Who’s the camera man?
  • Is there film in the camera?
  • Just checking
  • More dancers on the left!
  • More dancers on the right!
  • Hearts everyone!
  • Bust a move!
  • Go go go!
  • Faster faster!
  • Spotlights!
  • Wow!
  • You guys ROCK!
  • So good!
  • I know, right?
  • I can’t even!
  • Can I get the girls up front?
  • Can I get the boys upfront?
  • Hurry!
  • Sweet!
  • NOW we’re talking!
  • Woohoo!
  • You guys are SICK
  • Breathe!
  • Count to ten!
  • Okay, listen up!
  • When I say SHAKE IT…
  • You say UP
  • UP
  • Yeah!
  • That was cool
  • It worked
  • Let’s try something else
  • When I say ROCKY…
  • You say TALKIE!
  • ROCKY!
  • I don’t know…
  • It rhymed, didn’t it?
  • Rhyming is funny!
  • Everybody HEEEEEYY!
  • Everybody HOOOO!
  • HOOOO!
  • That’s fun!
  • Hearts everyone!
  • I think that T-Rex is looking at me…
  • Shoo dinosaur!
  • Make-up!
  • Who’s doing make up?
  • We need hairstylist!
  • Thanks so much!
  • I could get used to being a director!
  • I could get used to this!
  • Anyone got a sandwich?
  • Let’s make it happen!
  • Cut!
  • From the top!
  • Print!
  • That’s a wrap!
  • You guys are aMAAAAAzing

Cadence Related

  • Cadence!
  • Girl, there you are!
  • Hugs!
  • Good to see you!
  • Are you ready for the show?
  • You’re going to be AWESOME!
  • I mean it!
  • Don’t get stage fright!
  • Rocky and I got your back!
  • You can do it!
  • Is the band ready?
  • Is Franky here?
  • He’s pretty cute…
  • For a penguin
  • JK!
  • Silly girl
  • Don’t be nervous!
  • Let’s shake it up!
  • Let’s dance!
  • You better get back on stage!
  • The show starts soon!
  • Luv your hair btw
  • You look great!
  • High five!
  • BAM!
  • You go girl!
  • Knock ‘em dead!
  • Break a leg
  • No don’t break a leg


  • Time to disappear!
  • Time to hit the road
  • Time to go Rocky!
  • Wrap it up!
  • It was so cool meeting you guys
  • Keep dancing!
  • I’ll miss you guys
  • You’re awesome
  • No you’re awesome
  • You are
  • Had a great time!
  • See ya later!
  • Bye bye!
  • Bye!