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Great Puffle Circus

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Great Puffle Circus
Where Located in The Great Puffle Circus Entrance
Opened September 4, 2009
September 3, 2010
September 21, 2011
September 19, 2012
Closed September 14, 2009
September 13, 2010
October 4, 2011
October 3, 2012
Mini-Games None
ID 853
Tour Description
Welcome to the Great Puffle Circus! Prepare to be dazzled and amazed by the performers! Bring your puffle and join the fun!

The Great Puffle Circus was a party room for The Fair 2012. It was a members-only room for The Fair 2009, 2010 and 2011. The player can choose a puffle on the 'PICK AN ACT' sign, and an act featuring that puffle will take place. Each puffle's act has to do with their certain talent (except the purple puffle, in which the yellow puffle makes it vanish). It returned at The Fair 2010 with the Orange Puffle being added. As of September 4, the rope disappeared, letting penguins in the middle of the circus but not to the sides of it. It was back for The Fair 2011 with the Brown Puffle being added.[1]

The Great Puffle Circus Ringmaster

The ringmaster is a Yellow Puffle. If the user doesn't choose an act for a bit, the Ringmaster will spin and throw his wand/cane, yawn, and take off his top hat, making a flower appear.

The Acts

There are eight acts which feature all the puffles (one act features two puffles):

  • The Flying Fireball - a black puffle and three hoops descend from the top of the screen (but still up high). The black puffle jumps to the left and sets itself on fire. It then flies around the circus until its loop-de-loops its way through the three hoops (setting them on fire).
  • The Bearded Puffle - the curtains at the back lift up to show a sleeping white puffle with a beard! However, the beard then falls off and the white puffle smiles nervously.
  • The Puffle Cannonball - a red puffle comes on stage and puts on a crash helmet. It then jumps into the cannon, while three flaming hoops descend into place. The cannon is fired and the red puffle flies through all the hoops and lands on a safety net.
  • The Delightful Diver - a pink puffle climbs the ladder towards the diving board. When it gets there it seems nervous. However, some snorkels appear and the pink puffle puts them on. It then dives (and somersaults) into the pool below. It then jumps out of the water and shakes itself dry.
  • The Joyful Juggler - a green puffle flies in and lands on the left podium. It then jumps onto its unicycle and gets out juggling balls. The green puffle then juggles, while unicycling on a tight rope. It then stops in the middle and bounces to the top of the screen.
  • The Brilliant Bouncer - a blue puffle comes onto stage and jumps onto the big ball. As well as jumping, it does some somersaults too.
  • The Vanishing Puffle - the Ringmaster goes behind the curtains. They are then pulled up, revealing not only the Ringmaster but also a purple puffle. The Ringmaster puts a cloth over the other puffle. He waves his wand and then pull away the cloth, revealing that the purple puffle is gone.
  • The Munching Marvel - a little car drives in and the orange puffle comes out and eats the car. It then hops behind the curtain while a honking sound can be heard with each hop. Added in 2010.
  • The Great Pufflini - the Brown Puffle tries to raise a dumbbell, but can't. After struggling for a while, it makes a device that shrinks the dumbbell as well as decreasing the weight. He then lifts it with ease. Added in 2011.

At the end of each act, the puffle smiles and clapping and trumpets can be heard.


Names in other languages

Language Name
Portuguese O Maravilhoso Circo dos Puffles
French Le Grande Cirque Puffle
Spanish Gran Circo de puffles
German Puffle-Zirkus
Russian N/A

See also




  1. "And coming in September: The Great Puffle Circus returns with The Fair!" — Membership Page August 2011