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2009 Color Vote

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The colors. (Left to right: Lavender, Maroon, and Aqua.

The 2009 Color Vote was a vote deciding a new color for penguins to have. It was similar to the color poll in 2006. The color choices were Lavender, Aqua, and Maroon.

A vote like this happened in 2006, when the choices were Lavender and Lime Green. The vote started on July 24 and ended July 29, 2009 at the same time the Music Jam 2009 ended. There was a poll held in the Forest, where penguins could vote for the new color at the Color Vote Booth. The color with the most votes was could be purchased in the August 2009 Penguin Style, and was revealed on August 7, 2009.

The winning color was Aqua.


There were color postcards telling penguins to vote for a certain color. The postcards had pictures of penguins with the respective color, holding paint, and overalls.

Color Vote Booth

The Color Vote Booth was the voting booth located at the Forest. It was decorated with the colors penguins could vote for; Lavender, Aqua, or Maroon. About a week after the voting, the booth was removed.


See also